Greg Giordano

Greg Giordano

Independent Director
Wellington-Altus Financial Inc.

Greg Giordano

Greg Giordano joined The Cynosure Group in 2019 as a member of the direct investment team, where he helps to evaluate new investments and works with portfolio companies to execute their strategic growth plans. Prior to joining The Cynosure Group, Greg was an investment banker at Sandler O’Neill & Partners (now Piper Sandler), focusing on mergers and acquisitions and capital raising for financial services companies.

Growing up working in a family-owned business, Greg developed an early appreciation for the dedication and teamwork required to build a successful and lasting business. At Cynosure, Greg continues to be driven by the opportunity to work with exceptional management teams to understand their goals, develop a strategic plan, and achieve a shared vision for success.

Greg graduated from Fordham University with a B.S. in Finance and Accounting.

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