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Wellington-Altus Welcomes Paula Kaner as Executive Vice-President & Chief Risk Officer

WINNIPEG and TORONTO, April 6, 2021/CNW/ – Wellington-Altus Holdings Inc. (Wellington-Altus) today welcomed Paula Kaner as Executive Vice-President and Chief Risk Officer. Paula has spent 30 years in the financial services industry in senior leadership roles and has deep expertise with the regulatory framework in Canada.

In this role, Paula will manage all elements of risk for Wellington-Altus. As the company sets its sights on $20 billion in Assets Under Administration (“AUA”), risk mitigation remains a key priority. Paula will further enhance Wellington-Altus’ enterprise risk management framework to support the company’s robust growth strategy.

“We are constantly investing in our business to enable our advisors to best serve their clients. Having a solid foundation in risk management and compliance allows our advisors to focus on innovation and growth,” said Shaun Hauser, Wellington-Altus Co-Founder and President. “Paula’s unique blend of entrepreneurial executive leadership and extensive regulatory experience is a powerful combination that fundamentally aligns with our values and goals.”

Paula brings expert knowledge of securities regulation, capital markets, and regulatory infrastructure in Canada and internationally. She joins Wellington-Altus after a decade with the Alberta Securities Commission where she played a significant role in the regulation of Alberta’s Capital Market, including oversight and policy development for self-regulatory organizations, marketplaces, clearing agencies and crypto-asset trading platforms.

“I am excited to join this dynamic, forward-thinking, independent firm. Wellington-Altus has an outstanding reputation for putting clients first. I look forward to building on this reputation by implementing practical solutions that foster the company’s growth while mitigating risk and protecting investors,” said Paula Kaner.

Paula has a strong entrepreneurial background, having co-founded and built a financial services company headquartered in Winnipeg. She was also previously Chief Financial Officer for a growing, publicly traded tech company. Paula began her career as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG and earned a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree from the University of Manitoba.

About Wellington-Altus Holdings Inc.
Founded in 2017, Wellington-Altus Holdings Inc. (Wellington-Altus) is the parent company to Wellington-Altus Private Wealth—the top-rated* wealth advisory company in Canada. With more than $15 billion in assets under administration, and offices across the country, Wellington-Altus identifies with successful, entrepreneurial advisors and portfolio managers, and their high-net-worth clients. *Investment Executive 2020 Brokerage Report Card.

For media inquiries:
Danielle Nichol
Senior Vice-President, Marketing

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