Paul Doyle

Paul Doyle


Investment Advisor & Senior Insurance Advisor

Paul is an Investment Advisor at Wellington-Altus Private Wealth. Clients are accustomed to receiving tailor-made financial strategies to help them meet and exceed their goals. His clients tell him that he provides outstanding personalized service by delivering “crystal clear” peace of mind.

Paul specializes in solutions for high-net-worth individuals and businesses and has extensive experience managing health and welfare plans. Paul joined the financial industry in 2006 and has held longtime management positions focused on growth, productivity, and superior client outcomes. As a result of that passion and focus, he is privileged and humbled to be the recipient of numerous awards of the highest standard.

Paul holds a BA from Memorial University of Newfoundland and an MBA from Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with family, his two beautiful grandkids and friends. He also believes in giving back to the community and has supported numerous charitable organizations over the years.

Wellington-Altus Private Wealth is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization.

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