Brad Gross

Brad Gross


Senior Investment Advisor, Senior Portfolio Manager

Brad has been in the wealth management industry since 1998. He is a College of Commerce graduate from the University of Saskatchewan and is a comprehensive financial planner. In 2022, he was named one of the top 50 Advisors in Canada by Wealth Professional Magazine. His experience spanning over 25 years brings incredible value to his clients and his relationships.

Brad is extremely disciplined when it comes to portfolio management and to his approach to investing.  He takes pride in educating, advising and continually communicating with his personal and corporate clients.  His consistency and competency continue to serve his clients well.

Brad is a native of Swift Current – born and raised.  He has been involved in many local organizations and boards, including the Swift Current Chamber of Commerce, the Swift Current Agricultural and Exhibition Association, Downtown Business Association, Sundogs Volleyball, and culturally through the Lyric Theater.

Outside of the office, Brad enjoys many outdoor activities, including time at the Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park. He is married to his wife, Cindy – and has two grown children – Elliott and Liv. Brad is also a member of one of Swift Current’s premier cover bands – ‘ribrash’

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