Dean Dyer

Dean Dyer

Senior Investment Advisor

Dean is a Senior Investment Advisor whose objective is to provide his clients with financial peace of mind so they can focus on the things that really matter to them.

He began his career in the financial services industry with a major insurer in 1991. Since that time, Dean has held roles as a financial planner, insurance advisor, branch manager and over the past 15 years, financial advisor.

Offering a diverse range of services to each of his clients, Dean’s approach includes comprehensive financial planning, as well as services specific to those wealth preservation components most important to his clients’ personal and financial goals.

When he’s not working, Dean enjoys spending time with his family and friends and supporting and volunteering for his children’s academic, artistic, and athletic endeavours.

Wellington-Altus Private Wealth is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization.

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