
Garth Bluekens


Senior Wealth Advisor & Portfolio Manager

I take a proactive approach as a founding member and lead in the Investment Committee of iii Global Wealth. I am responsible for the family office experience of our practice, helping to guide how we integrate tax, investment management and estate planning. I was drawn to the investment industry at a very young age and have devoted my career to helping families understand the tax implications of investing by providing solutions that work well with their financial plans.

The transition of wealth for the various life stages of our clients, their families and those important to them is of utmost importance in our approach. We are mindful of each of our clients’ needs and are incredibly honoured to provide our comprehensive iii Global Wealth family office experience by integrating investment, taxation, financial planning, insurance, and estate solutions.

I was born and raised in Lethbridge, Alberta and proudly call it my home. I enjoy my dog Rolo who is a handful! I like to be active, walking, playing squash and spending time with those important to me, people in my community and childhood friends.

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