Ian Houston

Ian Houston

Senior Investment Advisor

Ian Houston

Ian started his career in the Wealth Management business in September, 1985 with McLeod Young & Weir in Winnipeg. Ian went to grow a very successful Wealth Management practice at ScotiaMcLeod, and then joined Wellington West in April, 1995. In July of 2011, Wellington West was acquired by NBF Wealth Management. Ian worked for NBF Wealth Management until May of 2017, when he joined Wellington-Altus Private Wealth as Senior Vice-President and Investment Advisor. Ian and his wife Karen have been married for 30 years and have 4 daughters: Brett, Krystin, Samantha, and Sydney. Ian’s favorite pastimes include the likes of reading, hockey, and biking.

Wellington-Altus Private Wealth is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization.

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