Lesley Hamilton

Lesley Hamilton


Senior Wealth Advisor

Lesley Hamilton is a Senior Wealth Advisor at Wellington-Altus Private Wealth. Lesley has been successfully advising clients on their financial affairs since 2005. Lesley is a sought after  speaker on a variety of financial planning topics, and routinely speaks across Canada. Lesley has been featured in media such as BNN, CTV, and the Globe and Mail. Lesley earned her B. Comm. (Hons) from the University of Manitoba and holds the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation (earning the third highest mark in Canada on the final exam). Lesley also holds the Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation. Lesley sits on the board of DASCH Inc. and is the Founder of the Future Leaders of Manitoba Council Inc. Lesley’s advisory solutions attract physicians and affluent families who appreciate a team based approach.

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