Michael Zagari


Investment Advisor & Associate Portfolio Manager

A forward-thinking investment professional with over 21 years of experience, Michael Zagari is a Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI®), the highest credential offered by the CSI. This distinction, combined with his designations as a Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®) and Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM), signifies his deep commitment to ethical and professional practice in wealth management.

Michael has partnered with Wellington-Altus Private Wealth, a firm that oversees $30 billion in assets under administration, as an Associate Portfolio Manager.

Recognizing the transformative power of technology, Michael believes in harnessing innovation to unlock new opportunities for wealth creation and is empowered to deliver exceptional service to his clients.

Michael prioritizes a holistic approach to success, driven by three core values: lifelong learning, personal well-being, and a strong family life. On a personal level, this manifests as a continuous pursuit of knowledge. He embraces a growth mindset, constantly seeking new information and readily sharing his learnings with others.

Maintaining good health is also paramount to Michael. He prioritizes regular exercise and celebrates his achievements, big or small. Additionally, he understands the importance of nurturing his closest relationships. Within his family, Michael strives to lead by example, dedicating himself to being the best father and husband he can be.

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