Tyler Manning

Tyler Manning


Senior Wealth Advisor

Tyler has a passion for helping clients navigate their personal and financial life events. Tyler takes the time to fully understand everything about a client so the team can deliver holistic advice. He surrounds himself with a team of experts to provide tailored solutions for various situations such as: exit planning, investment management, tax planning and estate planning. His interest in a wealth management career was embedded at an early age fueled by business readings his mother provided.  With his interests supported by complimentary post-secondary education the transition to managing a top tier wealth management practice was seamless.

Tyler graduated with a B.A. from Brock University, completed the Seneca College Financial Planning Program and then completed the requirements for his CFP® designation.  Since graduating he has been a guest lecturer at Seneca College and the Schulich School of Business MBA program at York University.

When Tyler is not at work, you can find him at his family’s cottage in Haliburton or travelling with his wife Ashley. In the summer he enjoys mountain biking and golf.  In the winter he downhill skis and plays hockey.  He hopes to see the Maple Leafs win a Stanley Cup in his lifetime.

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