Brian Schofield

Brian Schofield

CFA®, MBA, B.A. Sc.

Senior Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Advisor

I have enjoyed working in the investment industry since the early nineties when I co-founded the mergers and acquisitions group at a Toronto-based, mid-sized investment banking firm.

In 1997, I launched my own boutique investment management company specializing in unique equity and fixed income solutions for high net worth and institutional clients. In 2001, I sold the company to a major bank and managed the investment portfolios for domestic and institutional investors for two years before moving to another bank-owned firm.

A Chemical Engineering graduate from the University of Toronto, I went on to obtain my MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario. I earned my Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation in 1993. I have been a frequent contributor to industry publications and have had articles written about me in the media.

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