Kristine Morga

Kristine Morga

B.A., B. Admin (Dipl.)

Senior Investment Advisor

Kristine Morga is a Senior Investment Advisor at Wellington-Altus Private Wealth. As an investment advisor for over 20 years, she has had the opportunity to work for credit unions, banks and independent investment firms. These combined experiences have fostered an understanding and big-picture perspective of the markets which helps her determine the best investment strategy for her clients. Kristine is motivated by helping people make their financial dreams a reality with an array of tools, informed and calculated opportunities and communication. Similar to her business partner Lindsey Ross, she too believes that work life balance is important, with travel being a big component for Kristine. With investing, like with travel, some turbulence is expected, but the destination makes the voyage worthwhile. Kristine works together with her clients to navigate the ups and downs of investing to help them arrive at their financial destination.

Wellington-Altus Private Wealth is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization.

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