
Laurel Marie Hickey


Senior Wealth Advisor & Senior Portfolio Manager

I am a founding member of iii Global Wealth and am actively engaged as the lead in our Investment Committee where I make decisions on the capital allocations of the proprietary models that we manage. I am devoted to helping clients understand their risks, opportunities and market trends and I am honoured to navigate the markets with them.

Helping our clients and families preserve and grow wealth in every aspect is incredibly important to me. We are right beside our clients every step of the way as they transition through life. Our iii of iii Global Wealth stands for investing in inclusivity which means that every person is deserving of a Wealth Plan no matter how much wealth they have or stage of life they are in.

What I enjoy the most is connecting with our clients. Making a difference, a positive impact means so much. Having a special focus and intention with our responsibilities invites connection and collaboration. It is an honour being the first point of contact for financial priorities with our clients. To be of service in an impactful way truly means so much.

I grew up in Fernie, BC and love the outdoors! I am very involved in the wellness community and have a devoted yoga and pilates practice. I like the balance of yin and yang and enjoy adrenaline sports and adventures! I spend time with my husband and our fur-family, an Australian Shepherd dog named Avy and a Tuxedo cat named Kat!

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