Jennifer Williams

Jennifer Williams

Conseillère en placement, Gestion Privée Wellington-Altus
Conseillère en assurance, Wellington-Altus Insurance Inc.

Jennifer’s interest in the world of Finance was sparked at a young age while working at her father’s life insurance and financial planning firm. Although she ended up receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology, she always held onto that interest. In August 2001, Jennifer started her Financial career as a Trader at a boutique brokerage firm in Calgary. After completing the Professional Financial Planning course, she moved on from her trading role in 2003 and became licensed as an Advisor. Jennifer stayed with the same team of advisors for 15 years which involved two mergers, and a brokerage firm move.

After taking some time off from 2015 – 2017 to have a family, Jennifer’s excited to be back to doing what she loves for a reputable wealth management team and firm.

The most rewarding aspects of Jennifer’s career include:

  • Helping families assess and preserve their financial health, discussing goals and current risks, and then creating a plan that will help them achieve their objectives
  • Working with soon-to-be retirees to identify their financial risks and put asset-protection strategies in place

Away from the office, Jennifer enjoys badminton, yoga, brisk walks and escaping to the mountains with her family for ski and camping weekends.

Wellington-Altus Gestion Privée est membre du Fonds canadien de protection des épargnants et de l’Organisme canadien de réglementation des investissements.

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