Matt Mitchell

Matthew Mitchell

Conseiller en placement

Matthew graduated with Honours’ in Biotechnology from Brock University in 2010. He continued his thesis work, “the photoisomerization of azobenzene analogies”, with Dr. Tony Yan, which was published shortly thereafter before making the switch to the Financial Services industry. For 8 years he worked with Sinclair-Cockburn, a Mortgage Investment Corporation/Mutual Dealer. In 2018, he moved the Mutual Fund arm of Sinclair over to the likeminded Stonehaven Group. Leveraging their decades of experience and holistic approach to Financial Planning, Matthew has found a permanent home in the Stonehaven team. Matthew and his girlfriend Hilary, pursue active lifestyles. Splitting their time evenly between friends, sports and travel.

Wellington-Altus Gestion Privée est membre du Fonds canadien de protection des épargnants et de l’Organisme canadien de réglementation des investissements.

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