Spencer Gale-Reimer

Spencer Vermette​

B.Comm. (Hons.), CFP®

Conseillère en placement

Spencer comes to our team after an expansive few years working with some of Canada’s top advisors as they onboard in to Wellington-Altus. This experience has fast-tracked Spencer to a high level of product knowledge, client service and a unique and unmatched understanding of our peers ‘best practices’. This invaluable time with different Advisors across Canada, will bring an expertise level to the Enhanced Wealth Management team that will lead us to the next level. In addition to her meticulous attention to detail, Spencer is capable of efficiently creating solutions for our client’s needs as they arise. Her strong work ethic will strengthen our wealth management practice.

Spencer graduated from the Asper School of Business at University of Manitoba at the top of her class with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree. In her spare time, she enjoys travelling, playing tennis and spending time with her family and friends.

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