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Making the Most of Canadian Registered Accounts: A Quick Reference Guide

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Canadians have access to a plethora of tax-preferred vehicles for saving and investing, each of which provides unique planning opportunities and trade-offs, as well as their own rules and conditions that must be followed. With so many options, determining the best use for each type of account as part of a comprehensive wealth plan can be challenging. The attached table summarizes the key features of the most common registered plans and links to articles with more detailed information.

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2025 Personal Tax Planning Cards

Download our province and territory-specific 2025 Tax Planning Cards.
Fiche de planification fiscale Alberta
Fiche de planification fiscale Colombie-Britannique
Fiche de planification fiscale Manitoba

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A picture of a parliament building with post title

Federal Government Defers Capital Gains Inclusion Rate Increase to 2026

The Minister of Finance and Intergovernmental Affairs, Dominic LeBlanc, announced that the federal government will postpone the implementation of the proposed increase to the capital gains inclusion rate—from one-half to two-thirds. Originally set to take effect on June 25, 2024, the new proposed implementation date is now January 1, 2026.

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