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Wellington-Altus Announces Expansion of National Footprint to Quebec

WINNIPEGTORONTO and MONTREAL, September 14, 2021/CNW/ – Wellington-Altus Financial (Wellington-Altus), has officially begun its expansion into the Quebec market, building on a track record of remarkable growth for Canada’s top-rated advisory firm.*

“While still in the early phase of our rollout, we are extremely eager to get up and running in Quebec, a market with incredible potential for our firm,” said Shaun Hauser, Wellington-Altus Co-Founder & President. “Our momentum has been unstoppable over the past four years and opening the doors to this region gives us even more room to grow our team of the top 5% of investment advisors in Canada.”

To help steward the expansion forward, Wellington-Altus has brought on Quebec-native Christian Perreault as Senior Vice-President & Regional Manager, QC. In this role, he will focus on getting Quebec operations ready to begin onboarding new advisors early next year.

“Christian is an industry veteran with deep connections in the Quebec investment community,” said Jordy Chilcott, Executive Vice-President, Wealth Strategy & Enablement. “He is exactly who we need to lead us in this important market for our firm.”

Prior to joining Wellington-Altus, Christian was most recently a Regional Director at Russell Investments, while his background in the industry dates as far back as Midland Walwyn, with stops at Merrill Lynch Global Asset Management and CIBC Capital Markets along the way.

“Wellington’s independence and entrepreneurial culture will translate really well to advisors in Quebec who want to ditch bureaucracy and have freedom to run their businesses in a way that puts clients first,” said Christian. “We have an exciting journey ahead of us!”

Once fully operational in Quebec, Wellington-Altus will be laser-focused on bringing in additional top-tier talent to its network of investment advisors and continuing to deliver outstanding, private client experiences to Canadians from coast to coast.

About Wellington-Altus Financial Inc.

Founded in 2017, Wellington-Altus Financial Inc. (Wellington-Altus) is the parent company to Wellington-Altus Private Counsel and Wellington-Altus Private Wealth—the top-rated* wealth advisory company in Canada and one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies. With more than $19 billion in assets under administration, and offices across the country, Wellington-Altus identifies with successful, entrepreneurial advisors and portfolio managers, and their high-net-worth clients.

*Investment Executive 2021 Brokerage Report Card.

For media inquiries:
Danielle Nichol
Senior Vice-President, Marketing

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