Elina Surkov

MBA, M.Sc., CIM®

Conseillère en placement, gestionnaire de portefeuille associée

Elina leads research and analysis for the Van Der Hout Associates Wealth Management team. On the business development front, Elina focuses on relationship building and ensuring new clients experience the same level of service as the practice’s larger accounts and family offices receive.

Elina completed her education in France, obtaining her Bachelor of Finance and MBA from the prestigious ESLSCA in Paris. Subsequently, Elina was invited to attend the EDHEC Business School, one of the top schools in Europe, for a master’s degree in Financial Markets, specializing in Asset Management. She went on to work for Société Générale Private Banking in Monaco, both in investments and in a client-facing role working with high-net-worth individuals before transitioning to managing a family office.

After moving from France to Canada, Elina joined the Van Der Hout Associates Wealth Management team and completed her Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®) designation.

Elina stays active outside the office, skiing, snowboarding, playing squash in the winter and spending her summers sailing and golfing. She’s a member of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Elina is trilingual, speaking Russian, French, and English.

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