Salle de presse Wellington-Altus

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Akeem Foster

Wellington-Altus Financial Inc. (Wellington-Altus), parent company to Canada’s top-rated* investment dealer, has announced the acquisition of investment management firm, Wickham Investment Counsel Inc. (Wickham), located in Hamilton and Burlington, Ontario.

WAPW Marketing

At this very moment, the U.S. faces a fiscal predicament which urgently calls for proactive measures following the 2024 presidential election. The nation's mounting debt crisis demands immediate attention, yet neither party has outlined a clear strategy to address this pressing issue. This election cycle has had no shortage of historic events, from the attempted assassination of Former President and Republican Nominee Donald Trump to Vice President Kamala Harris replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic Nominee. Yet the underlying fiscal dilemma, if left unaddressed, risks triggering an economic crisis that even Wall Street may be underestimating—dismissing U.S. debt concerns as mere cautionary tales.

Ana Delgado

2024 Wellington-Altus Corporate Tax Reference Card Personal Tax Planning Cards LIF and RLIF Minimum & Maximum Factors Personal and Corporate Tax Integration …

Ana Delgado

Mark Twain once delivered a sobering reminder of humanity's tendency to disregard transformative ideas while allowing misconceptions to persist. As we stand on the precipice of two seismic shifts—the AI revolution and an impending fiscal storm—his words resonate profoundly.

Ana Delgado

Wellington-Altus a été reconnue courtier en valeurs mobilières le mieux coté au Canada pour la cinquième année consécutive selon le Brokerage Report Card 2024.

WAPW Marketing

In the complex arena of global finance, as in geopolitics, strategic positioning can be just as crucial as raw power. This insight comes from Polish-American diplomat and political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book The Grand Chessboard, which offers a compelling parallel to the world of investing. Brzezinski's analogy paints a vivid picture where nations are likened to chess pieces, with their geographic locations and potential weaknesses playing a pivotal role in the grand strategy of international relations.

Ana Delgado

Wellington-Altus a franchi l’étape remarquable de 30 milliards de dollars d’actifs sous administration (ASA) en seulement sept ans depuis sa création, poursuivant ainsi sa croissance exponentielle.

WAPW Marketing

U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, deeply mindful of Arthur Burns' missteps and inspired by Paul Volcker's tenacity, is fully cognisant of the historical significance of his role. I have consistently argued that Powell would benefit from studying William McChesney Martin's tenure as the first post-Second World War Federal Reserve Chair in the 1950s. Martin adeptly navigated through a period of fiscal dominance, a pattern that is emerging once again. As Sir Winston Churchill implied, focusing on the wrong historical period can lead to policy errors and financial turmoil.

Ana Delgado

Le budget fédéral de 2024, déposé le 16 avril 2024, offre une combinaison de mesures attendues et quelques surprises. Conformément aux annonces qui ont précédé son dépôt, le budget de 2024 présente de nombreuses mesures visant à rendre le logement abordable et à tenir compte du coût de la vie.

WAPW Marketing

We are at a pivotal moment in history, one that former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan might liken to a historical juncture, where the intertwined narratives obscure the uniqueness of our era. As we contend with a world that echoes the tumult of epics like War and Peace or Game of Thrones, we are in the midst of a "Fourth Turning"—a period of intense demographic, technological, and structural change that recurs approximately every 80 years.

Ana Delgado

Alignment with Industry Perspective & CIRO Commitments. We are in alignment with the Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) on several fronts, particularly on the importance of enabling incorporation options for advisors.

Ana Delgado

Succession planning is vital to ensuring the orderly transition of a family business from one generation to the next.

Ana Delgado

Les Canadiens ont accès à une pléthore d’instruments fiscalement avantageux pour épargner et investir, qui présentent chacun des possibilités de planification et des compromis uniques, ainsi que leurs propres règles et conditions à respecter.

Akeem Foster

Most Canadians are familiar with CPP, which provides retirement, disability, survivor, and death benefits for individuals that have been employed in Canada.1 CPP is funded by mandatory annual contributions by employees, employers and self-employed individuals based on their CPP pensionable earnings, which typically include salary, wages or other remuneration, commissions, bonuses, most taxable benefits, and tips/ gratuities.

Akeem Foster

Many Canadian shareholder investors (“investor”) own foreign securities. Occasionally a foreign corporation (“original corporation”) will spin-off a subsidiary or business line to its shareholders, so the subsidiary becomes a separate, publicly traded corporation (“spin-off corporation”). In this situation, the investor now owns two separate foreign securities.

WAPW Marketing

It's All About Timing. Navigating macro investing poses the challenge of not only identifying key events but also timing their occurrence. The hardest part is indeed getting the timing right. With Japan and the United Kingdom in recession, and Germany likely to follow, the global economic landscape is increasingly fraught with challenges. The downturn in these major economies, coupled with China's dramatic slowdown and deflationary trends, points to a broader malaise across global markets.

Ana Delgado

For business owners or incorporated practitioners that generate surplus funds not required to meet personal lifestyle needs or the needs of the business or practice, the question becomes how to maximize the value of these funds?

WAPW Marketing

As we enter a presidential election year in the U.S., financial markets are resonating with historical echoes. One can particularly recognize the rise of populism after the Civil War, which parallels today's socio political dynamics. This comparison challenges the conventional wisdom about investing in a world that is constantly evolving. Concomitantly, there are parallels to the post-Second World War era, notably the extreme levels of debt which rival only today. As the war ended and life got back to normal, a growth scare and deflation resulted. Hence my thesis that our transition period out of COVID-19 has all the earmarks of a transitional period of secular stagnation and deflation.

Akeem Foster

Téléchargez notre fiche de référence 2024 sur l’intégration de l’impôt des particuliers et des sociétés propre aux provinces et aux territoires ci-dessous.

WAPW Marketing

Y a‑t‑il une différence entre une cotisation à un REER et un maximum déductible au titre d’un REER? J’ai un montant déductible au titre d’un REER et des cotisations inutilisées. Qu’est‑ce que cela signifie?

WAPW Marketing

Un REER est un compte d’épargne-retraite accessible à tout contribuable canadien de moins de 72 ans et auquel lui-même ou son époux ou conjoint de fait peut cotiser, sous réserve de leurs maximums déductibles respectifs.

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