Salle de presse Wellington-Altus

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Wellington-Altus se classe au premier rang des sociétés de conseil en placement au Canada

Wellington-Altus Financial Inc. today announced that its private wealth division, Wellington-Altus Private Wealth Inc., has retained its top spot as Canada’s number-one investment advisory ...
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Impôt minimum de remplacement Quand, comment et à qui s’applique-t-il?

Background. The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)1 is a second, alternate tax liability calculation that Canadian individuals and trusts must consider annually in parallel with their ...
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Comment devrais-je me rémunérer : avec un salaire ou des dividendes?

Everyone’s situation is unique. Tax is important, but incorporated business owners and professionals should also consider retirement planning, lifestyle and corporate cash flow needs when ...
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Wellington-Altus accueille Jon Kilfoyle au sein de son équipe de direction

Wellington-Altus Financial Inc. (Wellington-Altus), parent company to Canada's top-rated wealth management company*, today welcomed Jon Kilfoyle as Executive Vice-President, Products & Platforms of Wellington-Altus ...
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Immobilier et impôts américains : le coût de possession

For many Canadians who are not otherwise U.S. persons (“Canadian”), owning property in the U.S. may represent an investment opportunity, a home away from home ...
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Planification pour les familles touchées par le handicap

More than one-fifth of Canadians over the age of 18 are living with disabilities, often with special needs which can entail significant costs. There is ...
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CELI 101

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) allows Canadians to save and invest funds tax free in order to fund a wide variety of short and long-term ...
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Réduction des impôts des ménages grâce au partage des pensions du RPC

If you are collecting or have applied to collect your Canada Pension Plan retirement pension benefits (CPP) and have a spouse or common-law partner (CLP) ...
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2023 Federal Budget

Points saillants économiques et fiscaux du budget fédéral de 2023

Budget 2023 outlined the government’s plans to build a stronger, more sustainable and secure Canadian economy against a backdrop of slower global growth, elevated global ...
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Préparation à la retraite :
10 questions à se poser

It’s never too early to start planning the retirement you desire. But do you have a clear idea of how you want to spend your ...
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Principaux éléments à prendre en considération
lors de la planification de la retraite

Les Canadiens ont toujours compté sur les régimes de retraite parrainés par l’employeur, les prestations gouvernementales et leurs propres actifs, y compris la hausse de la valeur des biens immobiliers, pour couvrir leurs besoins financiers à la retraite.
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Cinq conseils fiscaux de fin d’année à l’intention des particuliers pour 2022

While tax planning should be viewed as a year-round activity, there are several actions that can help you take full advantage of available credits, deductions ...
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Dons d’actions :
Une forme de philanthropie fiscalement avantageuse

When it comes to philanthropy, Canadians today are more intentional, want to see the impact of their gift, and are giving more. With intentional philanthropy, ...
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Hivernants canadiens et impôt américain : Savoir quand partir.

Canadian residents who routinely fly south to escape the cold winters at home may not be aware that they could face U.S. tax consequences. This ...
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Wellington-Altus tire parti de la prochaine évolution du logiciel de planification de patrimoine Conquest Planning pour améliorer l’expérience des conseillers et des clients

WINNIPEG, TORONTO, and MONTREAL, October 25, 2022 — Wellington-Altus Financial Inc. (Wellington-Altus) and Conquest Planning Inc. (Conquest) announce the launch of Conquest’s leading-edge artificial intelligence ...
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Régime de pensions du Canada
Devriez-vous anticiper ou reporter le versement de vos prestations de retraite?

Bien des gens qui approchent de la retraite se demandent s’il y a un âge optimal pour commencer à toucher les prestations de retraite du Régime de pensions du Canada (RPC).
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Communiquez vos volontés : Directive préalable en matière de soins de santé

What is an Advanced Healthcare Directive? An Advanced Healthcare Directive (“AHD”) is a legal document providing instructions for your personal care and/or healthcare decisions when ...
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Décès et impôts : Sensibilisation et connaissance de la production de multiples déclarations de revenus finales

There are many reasons why preparing income tax returns for a deceased individual in the year of death can be complicated. However, we would be ...
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Aéronefs, navires et véhicules : La nouvelle taxe de luxe

First announced in the 2021 Federal Budget, the new luxury tax will apply to sales, leases, and imports in Canada of certain luxury recreational aircraft, ...
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Wellington-Altus étend sa présence au Québec 

WINNIPEG, TORONTO and MONTREAL, September 6, 2022 – Wellington-Altus Financial (Wellington-Altus) reinforces Quebec expansion with state-of-the-art branch opening in Montreal’s downtown core. “Quebec is an important market to ...
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Wellington-Altus s’associe à CapIntel pour mettre plus d’innovation entre les mains des conseillers

CapIntel’s partnership with Wellington-Altus reflects the wealth management industry’s growing adoption of technology platforms that support advisors in delivering better outcomes for clients. WINNIPEG, TORONTO, ...
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#1 Investment Firm

Wellington-Altus se classe encore au premier rang des sociétés de conseils en placement au Canada

WINNIPEG, MB, TORONTO, and MONTREAL, May 16, 2022 /CNW/ — Wellington-Altus Financial Inc. announced today that its private wealth division, Wellington-Altus Private Wealth Inc., has ...
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Points Saillants Économiques et Fiscaux du Budget Fédéral de 2022

To the relief of all Canadian taxpayers and contrary to widespread speculation, the government did not increase the capital gains inclusion rate, nor were changes ...
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Wellington-Altus nomme Shaun Hauser au poste de chef de la direction et Jordy Chilcott au poste de président, à l’occasion de changements stratégiques à la direction

WINNIPEG, TORONTO, and MONTREAL, March 21, 2022—Wellington-Altus Financial Inc. (Wellington-Altus), the number-one wealth advisory company in Canada,* is pleased to announce the appointments of Shaun ...
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